Web series LacTalk Pet episode 3: Stress and gastrointestinal health

  • Find out about stress and gastrointestinal disease in pets and treatment advice with the 3rd episode of LacTalk Pet!
  • Dr. Lisa Radosta is a Board certified veterinary behaviorist, who practices at the Florida Veterinary Behavior Service clinic.

The right information and products can reduce stress and improve our pets’ quality of life. To discover the kinds of research and other information that may provide a healthier and longer life, just contact us today!

Hyperglycemia vs. Hypoglycemia: What’s the Difference?

Hyperglycemia vs. Hypoglycemia: What’s the Difference?

Operating as the powerhouse of our bodies, our blood is an outstandingly vast and intricate system. If laid out, our circulatory system alone would cover over a staggering 66,000 miles!

Blood has many functions, but a key component of whether it is working properly or not comes down to the amounts of sugar found in it. The conditions related to blood sugar are called hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia However, with their similar-sounding names, it could be easy to confuse them. 

So what are they, and what are their main differences?

Let us fill you in on all you need to know. 

Understanding the Body’s Blood Sugar Management System

To understand both of these conditions, it is beneficial to have a working understanding of the blood sugar management process in our bodies.

We rely on glucose to give our cells and our bodies the energy they need to keep us functioning. The main source of this is via the food we eat, although our body stores latent amounts of glucose in our muscles and liver should we not eat for some time. 

The most important food group related to our blood sugar levels are carbohydrates, which, when processed, are turned into glucose. Yet, our cells cannot absorb the all-important glucose without some assistance. This is where insulin comes in.

Much like a key to a locked door, insulin produced in our pancreas allows cells to take in the glucose that our body needs. Once absorbed, the cells then turn the glucose into energy or keep it for later use.

This amazingly efficient system, when working correctly, can regulate how much insulin is needed at any given time. It considers our daily activity, rising and lowering the amount we need depending on if we have eaten or done any strenuous physical activity. 

Without eating, the fasting rate of blood sugar is approximately 100 mg/dL.  

Given that blood sugar management affects every cell in our bodies, from our head to our toes, the importance of maintaining a normal blood sugar level is indisputable and one that we all should pay attention to. 

What Is Hyperglycemia?

Hyperglycemia is when we have a high blood sugar level. This is diagnosed if we have a fasting glucose level of more than 126 mg/dL and a standard glucose sugar level above 200 mg/dL.

This happens either because our bodies cannot produce enough insulin to prevent a buildup of sugar in our bloodstream, or our cells have become insulin resistant. 

The reasons for it to happen are also dependant of someone is diabetic or not. High blood sugar levels are synonymous with diabetes on a whole, but the reasons behind them vary dependant on if you have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 is defined by the body not being able to produce enough insulin. For this reason, those with type one diabetes need to take in insulin, particularly after eating when their blood sugar level spikes. 

Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, is when cells in the body become insulin resistant. Type 2 diabetes is far more common than type 1, accounting for 90-95% of diabetes cases in the US. Although it is so common, it is unclear as to the reasons why people develop the condition, although diet and lack of exercise are seen to be primary factors. 

It is possible for someone who is not diabetic, however, to develop insulin resistance or prediabetes, both of which can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes. In addition, certain medical conditions can cause blood sugar levels to rise, as well as having an infection which can lead to increase levels of stress hormones which can affect insulin regulation. 

Symptoms of hyperglycemia to look out for include headaches and confusion, extreme thirst, weakness, frequent urination, and a dry mouth, among other things.

What Is Hypoglycemia?

At certain times our blood sugar may drop to dangerously low levels leading to high amounts of insulin in our bloodstream. This is called hypoglycemia. We fall into this category when our blood sugar drops below 70 mg/dL, and it is considered dangerous when dropping below 54 mg/dL. 

But why does this happen? Well, it depends on if someone is diabetic or not.

If you don’t have diabetes, then there are many reasons why your blood sugar may drop.

Perhaps the most common reason is down to not eating enough. We are all familiar with that groggy feeling that we may have if we haven’t had a meal for some time. Simply put, the lack of glucose means that our tank is running on empty, and the light-headed feeling we experience is a warning sign for us to take in the fuel that we need.

This being said, for blood sugar levels to get to a significantly low level, we would need to have not eaten for 8 hours or more. 

Other common reasons include exercise and overdrinking. When we exercise or exert ourselves to an excessive level, we can use up all our available glucose stores, leading to a drop in blood sugar. In addition, if we binge drink, it can greatly disrupt the liver’s function in processing glucose for our bodies.  

If someone has diabetes, then hypoglycemia can happen if they take in too much insulin or, much like anyone else, they haven’t eaten or have increased their amount of physical activity.   

Signs of hypoglycemia include confusion and headaches, much like hypoglycemia, but also trouble concentrating, hunger, sweating, and in severe cases, seizures and the loss of consciousness. 

The Importance of Regulating Your Blood Sugar

Given its importance, it is clear that a good understanding of our blood sugar should be fundamental to all. We hope this breakdown has been insightful to your understanding of how your wonderful body works. 

If you are living with either hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia, a key factor is taking in fuel that can help regulate your blood sugar levels regularly. Pep2dia does just that, as well as being tasty in the process. Find out more about it here.

Web series LacTalk Pet episode 2: Stress and skin diseases

  • Find out about stress and dermatologic disease in pets and treatment advice with the 2nd episode of LacTalk Pet!
  • Dr. Lisa Radosta is a Board certified veterinary behaviorist, who practices at the Florida Veterinary Behavior Service clinic.

The right information and products can reduce stress and improve our pets’ quality of life. To discover the kinds of research and other information that may provide a healthier and longer life, just contact us today!

Prediabetes: Can You Prevent Diabetes?

Prediabetes: Can You Prevent Diabetes?

About 70% of people with prediabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes. The progression between the two isn’t inevitable, though. In fact, making certain lifestyle changes could prevent diabetes from developing.

Otherwise, type 2 diabetes could lead to kidney failure, heart disease, blindness, and other problems. 

Before diabetes develops, your doctor might notice a period where your blood sugar levels are higher than normal. They might diagnose you with prediabetes. With these easy tips, you can learn how to prevent diabetes from progressing.

Read on to discover the 10 tips you need to avoid getting diabetes today.

1. Avoid Refined Carbs and Sugar

Your diet can have a big impact on whether or not you develop diabetes. If you want to stop diabetes in its tracks, consider what you’re eating. For example, sugary foods and refined carbs could increase your risk.

Your body will break these foods into sugar molecules. The bloodstream absorbs these molecules, which can cause a rise in blood sugar levels.

This leads your pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone designed to help sugar get out of the bloodstream and into cells.

If you have prediabetes, your cells will resist insulin’s action. Your sugar levels will remain unnecessarily high as a result.

This could cause your pancreas to produce even more insulin as it attempts to reduce your blood sugar levels. 

The process can lead to higher blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to type 2 diabetes.

Before that can happen, try reducing your sugar and refined carb intake. It could reduce your risk.

2. Stay Hydrated

Are you prone to drinking sugary sweet beverages? Consider replacing your favorite soda for water instead. Otherwise, beverages with sugar, preservatives, and questionable ingredients could impact your health.

Your risk of type 2 diabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) could rise.

Instead, start drinking more water. Water can lead to better blood sugar control. It might improve your insulin response, too.

In one study, people on a weight loss program who replaced diet sodas with water experienced decreased insulin resistance. They lowered their fasting blood sugar and insulin levels as well.

Make sure water is your primary beverage of choice. Otherwise, consider adding coffee and tea to your routine.

Both contain antioxidants called polyphenols, which could protect you against diabetes. Green tea also contains EGCG, which could reduce blood sugar release. It might increase insulin sensitivity, too.

3. Work Up a Sweat

Physical activity could help prevent diabetes as well.

Exercise boosts your body’s insulin sensitivity. You’ll need less insulin to keep your blood sugar levels under control. People with prediabetes who exercised experienced increased insulin sensitivity by 51%. 

Those who completed high-intensity exercises increased it by 85%.

Try adding high-intensity interval training, strength training, and aerobic exercise to your routine. Find an exercise you love and stick to it!

4. Quit Smoking

Smoking can increase your risk of:

  • Heart disease
  • Lung, breast, prostate, and digestive tract cancer
  • Emphysema

Smoking and second-hand smoke could increase your risk of diabetes, too.

If you want to prevent diabetes from developing, try quitting. 

5. Shed Some Pounds

The majority of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. Meanwhile, people with prediabetes tend to carry weight around their midsection. They also have visceral fat around abdominal organs like the liver.

Excess visceral fat can promote inflammation and insulin resistance. Your risk of diabetes could increase as a result.

Losing even the smallest amount of weight might reduce your risk.

Try adjusting your diet and exercising. For example, you can try a low-carb, Mediterranean, paleo, or vegetarian diet. Try to stick with the change long-term to help you maintain your weight loss. 

6. Go Low-Carb and High-Fiber

As you start making lifestyle changes for diabetes prevention, consider your diet. A ketogenic or low-carb diet might prevent diabetes. 

low-carb diet could help:

  • Increase insulin sensitivity
  • Lower blood sugar levels
  • Reduce other diabetes risk factors

Minimizing your carb intake will keep your blood sugar levels from rising too much after you eat. Your body will then need less insulin to maintain your blood sugar levels.

A low-carb or ketogenic diet might reduce your fasting blood sugar, too.

Try adding more fiber to your diet, which could benefit your weight management and gut health. Fiber could keep your insulin and blood sugar levels low as well. 

Don’t forget dairy! Consuming low-fat dairy products helped study participants reduce their risk of diabetes. Consider adding plain yogurt to your routine.

Otherwise, minimize your intake of processed foods. Processed foods can increase your risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Avoid refined grains and additives, too.

7. Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle

If you want to learn how to prevent diabetes, get on your feet. A sedentary lifestyle could increase your risk. Instead, try to get more physical activity into your routine. 

For example, you might consider standing up from your desk throughout the day if you work at an office. Try to walk around for a few minutes each hour.

Otherwise, go for a walk during lunch. 

Here are a few more tips that can help you combat stress and weight gain.

8. Adjust Your Portion Sizes

In addition to considering what you eat, you might want to look at how much you’re eating. It’s not enough to follow a ketogenic or low-carb diet. If you’re eating too much, you could still lead to diabetes.

Eating too much in one sitting can cause higher blood sugar levels. Your insulin levels might rise as well.

Instead, take the time to adjust your portion sizes.

Take the time to look at the labels of the food you eat to determine the right serving size. Consider using smaller plates, too. A few minor changes can help you better manage your portion control.

9. Choose Vitamin D

Vitamin D could impact your blood sugar control. If you’re not getting enough vitamin D, it might increase your risk of diabetes.

Instead, consider taking vitamin D supplements. Make sure to talk to your doctor, first. Some vitamins can interact with any medications you’re taking.

10. Try Herbs

Adding a few natural herbs to your routine might help with diabetes prevention as well. Talk to your doctor about curcumin and berberine. They’ll help you determine if these herbs are safe for you to take.

Stop Prediabetes Progression: 10 Tips to Help Prevent Diabetes

Your prediabetes doesn’t have to progress any further. Instead, use these 10 tips to prevent diabetes. With these diabetes prevention tips, you can take control of your health and future. 

Looking for more ways to promote better health? Consider ethically sourced, high-quality dairy ingredients.

Contact us today to discover how we can help.

Web Series LacTalk Pet episode 1: Stress and behavior issues

  • Find out about stress and behavior issues in pets and treatment advice with the 1st episode of LacTalk Pet!
  • Dr. Lisa Radosta is a Board certified veterinary behaviorist, who practices at the Florida Veterinary Behavior Service clinic.

The right information and products can reduce stress and improve our pets’ quality of life. To discover the kinds of research and other information that may provide a healthier and longer life, just contact us today!