Holiday Stress: 8 Ways to Cope With Stress During the Holidays

Holiday Stress: 8 Ways to Cope With Stress During the Holidays

Did you know that 88% of Americans consider the holiday season the most stressful time of year? This time of year is filled with activities, from holiday parties to family events. While the Christmas season is meant to bring feelings of cheer and love, it can bring about feelings of holiday stress for many people. 

If you need help managing holiday stress, you’re not alone. Family reunions can bring about conflict, and shopping excursions can cause great anxiety. 

This guide includes our top eight-holiday stress tips to help you cope with Christmas season holiday stress. 

1. Set Holiday Intentions 

Make the conscious decision to enjoy this time as much as you can. By doing so, you’re opening yourself up to true happiness and overall improved well-being. You’re less likely to miss uplifting moments, and you even might notice them more than if you hadn’t set that intention. 

When you set an intention, you prep your brain for positive things to happen. When you allow yourself to feel positive emotions, you can become more receptive, sensitive, and open to future experiences. You’ll start to soak up more positive experiences and feelings as a result. 

2. Honor Your Emotions 

While we all want to have positive thinking all of the time, it’s not always realistic or practical. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotion you’re feeling in the moment, whether it’s loneliness or sadness. 

Try to anticipate moments where you might be feeling down. These types of moments can happen, especially if you’ve recently lost someone or are away from your family. 

One way to practice self-care during the holidays is by journaling your feelings. You can use this time to connect and express your emotions in a healthy manner. 

If you start to feel down, don’t wait to do something about it. Make an appointment with your therapist or schedule time with a loved one to talk on the phone. 

3. Regain Focus By Taking a Break 

Holiday to-do lists can get very long. To practice stress-free holiday shopping, make sure you take a break. Some things you can do during your breaks include:

Let yourself relax by pivoting out of the mode of constantly doing something. It can be difficult to completely disengage from the busyness of the season. However, it’s well worth it to take the time to slow down and get focused. 

4. Live in the Moment 

Let your body register all of the moments when you feel good. One way to do that is to savor the sensation for 15-30 seconds. 

Savoring positive experiences will strengthen your body’s response to them. The longer you hold onto moments where you feel good, the more the memory will become embedded in the brain. 

The important thing to keep in mind is don’t let these good moments be fleeting. Enjoy them and keep them close to your heart during the holiday season. 

5. Be Generous 

Participating in an altruistic act is a great way to stimulate the “pleasure” part of your brain. If you feel like you want to be generous, you should act on that feeling. You’ll start to notice your mind and body expanding as you are generous to other people. 

Monitor how good you feel when you do something for another person without expecting something in return. A generous act doesn’t necessarily have to center around donating money. Some other examples include:

  • Giving a friend your full attention
  • Opening the door for someone 
  • Calling a family member, you haven’t spoken to in a while

Let yourself feel all the feelings that come with generosity. Know that what you’re doing is contributing to the overall well-being of another person. 

6. Practice Gratitude 

Reflect on each of your life’s blessings every day. Be fortunate for everything you have. Directly express feelings of appreciation to loved ones. 

A great way to practice gratitude is to write down something you feel grateful for every day. Try to do at least three things, but taking the time to think of one will make a difference. By expressing gratitude to your loved ones, you’ll feel closer to them. 

7. Create a Holiday Sanctuary 

The atmosphere of your home and workspace is the primary foundation for your overall well-being. It also represents how we feel both inside and out. 

Infuse as many holiday vibes as you can into your environment. Purchase an essential oil diffuser and utilize different holiday scents. Some popular ones include:

  • Spruce
  • Peppermint
  • Cinnamon
  • Cardamom

Lighting also plays a huge factor in creating a cozy atmosphere. Candles not only give off muted lighting but Christmas scents as well. 

One idea is to purchase a few pillar candles. Use them to create a “fireplace” in a small area of your home. Decorate them with different items that give you feelings of cheer. 

8. Have Fun 

Do you remember how exciting the holiday season was when you were a child? Allow yourself to feel those sensations again. Be around children in your family so you can partake in their feelings of joy. 

Look for events in your community, like tree lighting ceremonies or parades. You can soak up the feelings of joy from those around you as you enjoy holiday activities. 

While the holidays can be stressful for most people, don’t dwell on those feelings. Allow yourself to feel what you need to feel, but be ready to move on to feelings of joy. 

Use Our Tips to Effectively Manage Holiday Stress

Sometimes holiday stress can happen, even if you prepare for it. Follow our eight tips for managing it so you can enjoy the holiday season to its full potential. 

Explore our activities to learn ways to incorporate our healthy products into your lifestyle. 

Why Is It Important to Have Balanced Blood Sugar Levels?

Why Is It Important to Have Balanced Blood Sugar Levels?

Most people have probably heard the term ”blood sugar” a thousand times over, but the reality is that most people don’t really know what it means. 

Most of us know it’s important to have stable blood sugar levels. However, there is still a sense of mystery around what our blood sugar levels actually do for us on a daily basis. 

To learn more about how unstable blood sugar levels can disrupt your health, this blog is for you. 

What Does the Term ”Blood Sugar” Mean?

Contrary to what many might think, blood sugar doesn’t exactly point to sugar levels in the blood. Well, not the type of sugar you add to your coffee, anyway. But rather, the amount of energy present in our bloodstream. 

Sugar in the body is known as glucose and is our main energy source that powers us through our daily activities. 

When you consume carbohydrates the body breaks down its components in the digestive tract. Most of these components are converted to glucose, i.e. energy. 

So, in short, the term blood sugar refers to glucose energy levels present in the blood. 

How Blood Sugar Levels Affect the Body 

You can think of your blood sugar levels as the lead controller of many metabolic processes in the body. In other words, blood glucose levels dictate how hungry you are. They also dictate your energy levels, cravings, moods, sleep quality, and more. 

In order for humans to feel their best, well-balanced blood sugar levels are important. You don’t want your blood glucose levels to be too high, or too low, either. 

When this happens, a myriad of unwanted processes takes place in the body — much like a domino effect. For example, when your blood sugar is too low, you could feel lethargic, irritable, have brain fog, and sleep poorly. 

If your blood glucose levels are too high, this can lead to issues such as weight gain, poor energy levels, and skin problems. Not-to-mention, long-term conditions such as diabetes

How Does Your Body Balance Blood Sugar Levels? 

To achieve well-balanced blood sugar levels, your body relies on two important hormones: insulin and glucagon. 

Whenever you consume something, your pancreas secretes insulin into the bloodstream.

The purpose of insulin is to assist with blood sugar regulation. You can think of insulin as a traffic controller. It helps to determine how much glucose to send to your cells for energy, and how much to keep in your bloodstream. 

Most of the glucose that insulin regulates goes to your liver cells, muscle cells, and fat cells. They store the glucose as energy, which we use up throughout the day. 

Without enough insulin, glucose levels in the blood would remain too high. This results in a major blood sugar imbalance. This can result in a myriad of conditions, and chief among them is Type 2 diabetes

Glucagon is also important as it assists in the processing of glucose in the body. When glucose reaches the liver cells, glucagon is responsible for breaking down glycogen into glucose.

It’s also responsible for glucose synthesis and inhibits the formation of glycogen. Without this hormone, glucose would not make it back into your bloodstream for circulation.

Insulin Resistance 

Insulin plays the biggest role in regulating blood sugar levels. It’s an adaptive hormone that can quickly regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. And most of the time, it doesn’t matter how much sugar or carbohydrates you’ve actually consumed. 

But it’s no superhero, insulin has a limit to how much it can handle. When blood sugar levels are balanced, regulating excess glucose is a simple task that takes an average of 1-2 hours in healthy individuals. 

However, when you consume excess sugar this process goes into overdrive and becomes stressed. Ultimately, this leads to insulin resistance. 

As your blood becomes oversaturated with glucose, your body needs more and more insulin to manage your blood sugar levels. Eventually, your body can become insulin resistant and will not be able to regulate or process glucose effectively. 

This can result in a number of conditions, but the worst among them is also Type 2 diabetes. 

Why Balanced Blood Sugar Levels Are Important 

As you can see, your body is sensitive to the number of carbohydrates and sugars you consume. Whether you consume too little or too much, unbalanced blood sugar levels can lead to a host of health issues. 

Here’s how you can benefit from keeping your blood sugar levels in check:  

  • Steady levels of energy — when your blood sugar is too high, this can result in fatigue, weight gain, obesity, and depression. When they are too low, this can result in dizziness, fatigue, headaches, and drowsiness
  • Improved focus — glucose is fuel for the brain and, in short, provides fuel for effective cognitive function 
  • Weight control — unbalanced sugar levels can lead to excessive hunger, cravings, and insulin resistance. All of which can lead to weight gain and obesity 
  • Improved skin conditions — spikes in blood glucose cause insulin levels to increase, as well as the production of androgens. This can result in acne and other skin problems 

Aside from these benefits, stable blood glucose levels have positive long-term effects on the body. 

For one, you can prevent the onset of conditions such as prediabetes and diabetes itself, which affects over 10.5 percent of the U.S. population, alone. 

Once diabetes sets in, this can also lead to the onset of many other serious health conditions. Just some of these include heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, kidney disease, dementia, and more.

Even if you don’t develop diabetes in your lifetime, stable blood sugar levels can maintain your cognitive function and memory.

However, insulin resistance can impact your cerebral glucose metabolism, which can affect your memory in the long term. Ultimately, this could spur on degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. 

Take Your Health into Your Own Hands 

Balanced blood glucose levels do more than just regulate your appetite or impact your sleep quality. In the long term, the management of your blood sugar levels can impact your longevity. 

Interested in taking care of your health and what you put into your body? Learn more about our product, Pep2Dia®, for blood sugar management. 

7 Stress Management Tips for Busy Parents

7 Stress Management Tips for Busy Parents

Out of more than 17,000 parents surveyed around the world, American moms and dads feel more levels of burnout than those in other countries. When you’re not feeling like the best version of yourself, that can make you feel like you’re not the best version of yourself as a parent, leading to even more stress.

You owe it to yourself and your children to prioritize your mental health and learn how to manage stress so you can feel your best. If you’re feeling overwhelmed about how to get started with stress management, we’re here to help. 

Keep reading to learn 7 helpful stress management tips that you can start implementing today and in the coming year. 

1. Rediscover Past Joys

When you become a parent, it’s easy to feel like taking care of your kids is your whole identity. Of course, over time, this can leave you feeling like you don’t even know yourself anymore. Try rediscovering some of the things you used to love before becoming a parent to reconnect with your former self. 

For example, if you used to play baseball, look for a local league to join so you can play once a week. Or, if you used to read a book every week, try committing to reading just 5-10 pages each night. When you rediscover things you used to love, you might find your stress levels go down. 

2. Prioritize Your Health

Did you know that 77% of people who experience stress say that it’s so bad it affects their physical health? Busy parents often don’t feel like they have the time to focus on their own wellness, but prioritizing your health is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your kids. 

Try to incorporate some movement every day, whether it’s going for a walk or practicing a few yoga poses. You can even get the kids involved to help them learn healthy habits from a young age.

Remember that small changes can lead to big results. You don’t have to run 3 miles a day to focus on your health. Just do what you can when you can, and it’s better than nothing.

3. Ask For Help

As the old saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. If your stress levels are soaring, reach out to your village for help. You might ask your partner to stay home with the kids while you go out with friends or get a babysitter so you can go on a long-overdue date night.

The people who care about you will step up when you need them, just like you would do for them. If you don’t ask for help when you need it, your stress levels could lead to burnout syndrome, affecting all aspects of your life. Don’t wait until it’s too late. 

4. Do Something Fun and Different

Oftentimes, getting into a dull routine takes a toll on our mental health and stress levels. Try to break out of the same old monotony by doing something different, even just for an afternoon. Visit that museum you’ve always wanted to explore or check out a restaurant that’s new in town instead of going to your old standby. 

You can even get the kids involved and plan a family staycation for a day in a local hotel. A change of scenery can do wonders for your stress, helping you “reset” before getting back to your normal routine.

5. Make Time for Yourself Every Day

Busy adults often feel like they always need to be “on” for their kids. However, without some time to yourself, that’s not sustainable. Of course, it’s not always possible to get a babysitter if you need time away, but there are small things you can do for yourself each day to recharge. 

For example, you might leave for work a few minutes early so you can sit in the car and take a moment to clear your head before diving into your day. If you stay home with your kids all day, create a set “quiet time” for a bit, where they can play independently while you take a moment for yourself.

Even if your alone time is only 5 minutes, take that time for yourself instead of using it to do chores or errands, so you feel like you have a break. 

6. Connect With Other Parents

No one knows the stress of parenting better than other parents, so make time to connect with your fellow moms and dads. You can exchange parenting advice or talk while your kids play, giving you the much-needed adult interaction that you crave. 

Parenting can sometimes feel isolating, so it helps to remember that you’re not alone in feeling stressed and that other parents are going through it too. 

7. Don’t Overschedule Your Calendar

Is an overbooked calendar part of the reason for your stress? If you find that you’re always saying “yes” to activities, outings, and other commitments, it may be time to take a step back and figure out what you can say “no” to instead. 

While some commitments are unavoidable, your stress levels will always be high if your plate is too full. Maybe the next time sports season rolls around, you enroll your kids in one activity instead of multiple to help scale back your commitments. 

When you have less on your calendar, you’ll have more time for the things that truly bring you joy. 

Follow These Stress Management Tips for Parents

After reading these stress management tips, we hope that you have the knowledge you need to feel like the best version of yourself. Remember, to your kids, you’re a literal superhero. Don’t feel guilty for taking the time to follow these tips to lower your stress. Trust us, your kids will thank you for it!

Looking for more advice? Check out our post on school stress to help your kids manage stress as well.  

How to Manage Stress in College

How to Manage Stress in College

Stress is affecting teens more than ever before. Around 30% of teens admitted to feeling sad or depressed because of stress and 42% said they’re not doing enough when it comes to managing stress levels. If you’re in college, you’re not only juggling school work, but you might also be working part-time and trying to make important choices about your future. 

So what can you do to navigate these pivotal years?

You’ve come to the right place for help. Keep reading to learn tips on how to manage stress in college so you can focus on your work, graduate on time, and fully enjoy all that the college experience has to offer.  

Get More Sleep

Sure, college is a time for forming meaningful, lifelong friendships and staying out late, but sleep should also be a priority. That’s because sleep and stress go hand in hand. The less sleep you get, the more likely you are to be stressed. And, the more stressed you are, the harder it will be to get enough sleep.

While you don’t have to turn down every party invitation by any means, try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night for the best results. If you struggle to get enough sleep, try setting a sleep schedule for yourself by aiming to go to bed at the same time each night. 

As you wind down, limit your screen time, as blue light can make it harder to fall asleep. You might also find that taking melatonin, a supplement of a hormone your body makes can help you get more restful sleep as well. Avoid taking sleeping pills, which can become habit-forming.

Prioritize Exercise

If you played sports growing up, you were probably active without even realizing it. Now that you’re in college, unless you’re an athlete, you may not be moving as much as you were used to. 

Exercising is a great outlet for stress, as it can help improve your overall mood and help you feel like the best version of yourself. Try to find a form of exercise that you enjoy that fits around your busy schedule, like running or yoga. 

If you struggle to find the time to exercise, remember that a little goes a long way. Even just taking the stairs instead of the elevator can help you move a bit more to aid in stress relief. 

Eat a Healthy Diet

It’s natural to indulge in delicious foods when you first get to college, but over time, eating only pizza and ice cream will only leave you feeling groggy and tired. Instead, make sure you get a balanced diet of whole grains, protein, fruits, and vegetables, with the occasional indulgence. 

Since dealing with stress can impact your immune system, make sure you eat immune-boosting foods like citrus, blueberries, and broccoli to help you feel your best and reduce the risk of illness. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Say No

College is an exciting time and you never want to feel like you’re missing out on experiences. However, if you’re not careful, you can have a full social calendar on top of your school work and job commitments. Over time, this can lead to high stress levels and burnout. 

Instead, be thoughtful about what you want to do and prioritize that over everything else. Instead of going to every social gathering, take time to make connections with the friends you care the most about. 

However, this doesn’t just apply to social activities. It’s ok to say no to other things too. Don’t feel pressured to take that extra course if you think it might make your work suffer in other classes. And don’t feel like you need to join every single study group. Do what you can and say no to the rest. 

Practice Mindfulness Through Meditation and Breathwork

One of the best stress management tips you can do is making time to be mindful each day. Take the time to meditate, even for just 5 to 10 minutes each day to help clear your mind and let the stress melt away. 

If you’re not sure how to begin meditating, look for online videos that guide you through a mindfulness session. There are also apps available that can help you combat specific aspects of stress through guided sessions. 

You can also try breathing exercises to help you stay calm when you start to feel overwhelmed or anxious. Sometimes doing nothing else but focusing on your breath is just what you need to refocus. By incorporating this into your daily routine, even just for a few minutes each night before you go to sleep, you’ll start to notice a difference. 


Between taking online classes, working on school work, and connecting with friends, increased screentime is an inevitability for college students. That’s why it’s so important to take time to unplug occasionally. 

Reducing screentime can help you feel less stressed, so be mindful about how much time you’re spending on your phone, tablet, or computer. Most phones have a feature that tells you how much time you spend using them, and some have options where you can limit how much time you spend on certain apps. 

Remember that everything online will still be there when you come back, so there’s no need to spend every minute glued to a screen. 

Now You Know How to Manage Stress in College

After reading through these tips, we hope you have a better idea of how to manage stress in college so you can stay focused. As you start to feel the tension building in your shoulders, take a step back, remember these ideas, and take the time to practice stress management. Your body and your mind deserve it!

Learn even more about why it’s important to prioritize your physical and mental health by checking out this post

What Factors Most Affect Blood Sugar Levels?

What Factors Most Affect Blood Sugar Levels?

When you have diabetes, you have to take care to check your blood sugar levels multiple times each day. You may even have to administer diabetes medication or inject insulin when you notice that your levels are too high or too low.

If you are new to all of this, it can be difficult to figure out what is causing your levels to spike or drop depending on the time of day or what you’ve eaten. You’re not alone. In fact, there are approximately 32.4 people in the United States who have diabetes and have to monitor their glucose levels to get through the day. 

Continue reading to learn what causes abrupt changes in your blood sugar levels. You’ll also learn how to better manage blood sugar.

What Affects Blood Sugar Levels?

Several things may play a part in the fluctuation of your blood sugar levels. However, everyone is different. What affects one person might not even affect the next.

Dehydration can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. When you don’t drink enough water, there isn’t enough water in your bloodstream to balance the amount of concentrated glucose that is present in the blood. When this happens, you’ll notice a spike in your blood sugar levels.

Eating carbohydrates at all will cause your blood sugar levels to rise due to them being turned into sugars to give you an energy boost. This is normal. However, eating too many carbohydrates can cause a huge spike making you feel off. Fatty foods may also cause you to feel sluggish and increase your blood glucose level. It can even cause your body to become resistant to insulin.

You may also find that eating too frequently or at the wrong times can cause your blood sugar to fluctuate.

The fluctuation of hormones (due to any number of reasons) can mess with your blood sugar. When you are ill or dealing with an infection, your body will increase hormones (while also increasing blood sugar levels) to fight off the virus or bacteria. 

An increase in testosterone for men and estrogen for women can cause an insulin reaction. For women, life events like pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause can cause a fluctuation in hormones causing high blood sugar.

Stress can cause your blood sugar to skyrocket. It can also cause you to develop insulin resistance. 

All of these things can cause you to struggle with managing your blood sugar. 

Changes In Blood Sugar Levels

Your blood sugar levels may fall in a safe range (70 to 126 mg/dL), but when it’s too high or too low, problems may occur. There are two types of changes that occur when the amount of glucose in the blood isn’t balanced. 


When there is too much glucose (more than 126 mg/dL) in your blood, you are experiencing hyperglycemia. In the long term, hyperglycemia can cause issues with kidney and eye disease. Heart attacks and strokes are possible. Long-term hyperglycemia can also cause nerve damage and circulation disorders. 

When experiencing hyperglycemia, you might notice:

  • Increased thirst (polydipsia)
  • Increased hunger (polyphagia)
  • Increased urination (polyuria)
  • Dry mouth (xerostomia)
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Blurred vision
  • More infections
  • Slowed healing (cuts and sores)

These symptoms occur when:

  • You eat too much food
  • You don’t get enough physical activity
  • You skip doses of medication and meals
  • You get stressed
  • You are ill or have an infection

Getting your number to come down so that you begin to feel better is very important to your health and wellbeing. 


When there is not enough glucose (less than 70 mg/dL) in your blood, you are experiencing hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia prevents the body from functioning in a normal capacity. 

Hypoglycemia symptoms include:

  • Sweating
  • Shaking
  • Hunger
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Headache 
  • Fainting

Your blood sugar is likely to drop when:

  • You don’t eat enough food
  • You overexert yourself with physical activity
  • You take too much insulin or diabetes medication
  • You drink too much alcohol without eating

In severe cases, it can lead to confusion, seizures, unconsciousness, coma, or even death. Because of the weakness, you may find yourself in a position where you can’t eat or drink and you can’t administer your medications. This can lead to unconsciousness and even death.

How Can You Maintain Safer Blood Sugar Levels?

You will find that maintaining a safe blood glucose level comes naturally when you:

  • Drink enough water
  • Avoid skipping meals 
  • Take your medication on time

When you have extremely low blood sugar levels, it’s important to remedy the situation immediately. You can do this by taking glucose tablets, drinking fruit juice or regular soda, or eating some hard candy.

Blood sugar management plays a huge role in your success. You will want to accurately time your intake of food and administering your medication. It’s important to monitor your blood sugar levels, food intake, medication, and physical activity. Writing it down in a journal along with symptoms you may be feeling can help you to keep an accurate record. 

You can use the journal to communicate effectively with your doctor and to track how you feel when your glucose levels are out of sorts.

If you are having an issue with regulating your blood glucose levels, Pep2Dia, a patented milk protein hydrolysate, might be able to help you out. 

Managing Your Blood Sugar Levels

It’s important to your overall health and wellbeing to manage your blood sugar levels. Make sure you are taking the precautions that you should be to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level… not too low and not too high.

Contact us today for more information on blood sugar management and what you can do to keep yourself within your target level. We’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about using Pep2Dia to help regulate your blood sugar levels.