How Stress Impacts the Health and Well-Being of Pets

How Stress Impacts the Health and Well-Being of Pets

Today, 33% of people say that they’re experiencing extreme stress in their lives. Stress isn’t just something that we human beings live with — even pets are living with the fear and anxiety that this condition causes. 

But how exactly does stress affect your pet’s well-being? We explain that and more in the information below. 

Some Pets Start to Take on Your Stress

Believe it or not, you might be the biggest thing stressing your pet out. Scientific studies assert that in many situations, pets mirror the stress and anxiety exhibited by their owners. 

Animals have adept senses that allow them to hunt in the wild and adapt to a variety of environments. This makes them ultra-sensitive to changes in your temperament and stress response. Watch for signs of your dog’s emotions heightening while yours heighten. 

A stressful environment for you is also a stressful environment for your pet. Learn some stress management strategies that will curb this issue.  

When you start managing stress better, it’ll make your entire household more peaceful. Consider a meditation practice, getting more sleep, and organizing the life matters that are out of control to help lower the temperature on stress in your home. 

Your Pet Might Start Shaking or Developing Nervous Ticks

Pets carry the energy of stress in their bodies. If they aren’t able to discharge that energy on a walk or playing outside, it can lead to shaking or nervous ticks. 

You might see your dog pacing back and forth for seemingly no reason at all. This is typically a sign that they’ve been storing stress that has become chronic. Expect these issues to keep getting worse if the stress issue isn’t properly managed. 

They May Start to Hide or Avoid Being Out and About in Your Home

Pay careful attention to your pet’s behavior. If they’re exhibiting odd tendencies to be anti-social, it could also be a sign that they’re stressed out.

Animals dealing with inordinate stress might begin finding hiding places and avoiding coming out when they know people are home. Be particularly mindful of potential stress problems if your pet begins whining and whimpering while they’re tucked away in a hiding place. 

Pets often develop stress due to noise sensitivities. For instance, frequent storms, noisy equipment, fireworks, and even the vacuum cleaner can contribute. 

Their Posture Can Weaken and Decline

Your dog or cat’s body language says a lot about its overall health. Check out their posture and notice if the pet appears sunken, rather than upright. 

This poor posture could also be a sign of chronic stress. It’s not uncommon to see stressed dogs begin to cower or shift their weight, rather than standing on all four legs like normal.  

When your dog or cat isn’t properly carrying its weight, it will be more likely to deal with swelling and injuries that will only worsen. 

You May Start to Notice More Accidents and Destructiveness Around the House

When your pet is stressed out, it may also start to have bladder control issues. Pay attention to urination spots that are suddenly popping up, particularly if your dog is well-trained. 

Things like a new move or other life changes can cause pets to start having accidents due to stress. If your pet begins to use the bathroom all over the house, their training goes by the wayside and they may start to pick up other bad habits. 

You’ll also have far more cleaning on your hands, in addition to damage to your carpets that could cost you some serious money. 

Pets dealing with stress, anxiety, and boredom might also become more destructive around the house and may bark more frequently. 

Pets Will Begin Shedding More Frequently and in Larger Amounts

Notice whether or not you’re finding pet hair all over your house. Similar to the way humans may begin shedding hair when they’re dealing with inordinate amounts of stress, pets, too will begin to lose lots of fur. 

Shedding is normal for many pets, which is why you should always have an idea of how much your pet generally sheds normally. This will let you know when their shedding is seemingly more frequent or in larger amounts. 

In the entertainment business, it isn’t uncommon for show dogs to lose large amounts of fur in the middle of a performance due to stress and anxiety. Pets dealing with intense stress can develop the habit of excessively licking their fur, which can lead to alopecia. 

Shedding of fur can create a mess all over your house, and may also cause you to use a lot of time and resources trying to find out what’s wrong with your pet. 

The Stress Can Lead to Physical Illness

Don’t lose sight of the fact that stress can mount up and create physical problems for your dog. When they are dealing with consistent stress, your dog or cat may develop high blood pressure and physical pain. 

They might also start to deal with weight gain, which can lead to joint issues and arthritis. The buildup of the cortisol stress hormone will lead to your pet’s body being more inflamed, which also makes them more likely to deal with pain and discomfort. 

Help Your Pets De-Stress to Improve Their Quality of Life

As you can see, stress can take a serious toll on your pets. Their overall quality of life is at stake when they are dealing with emotions and feelings that are difficult to manage. 

You can help take control of the situation by giving your pet plenty of exercise and doing your best to manage stress in your household as a whole. 

We have a variety of other posts that could help you, from helping kids get to bed to managing weight gain. 

Our ingredients can help you get the end product that you’re looking for. To learn more about us and what we do, contact us for more information. 

The Effects Stress Has on Women’s Health

The Effects Stress Has on Women’s Health

What if your everyday routine was causing damage to your body?

All of us encounter stress in our daily lives and some experience more stress than others. Unfortunately, many people don’t know exactly how stress affects women’s health.

Wondering what stress might be doing to your own body? Keep reading to discover the answer!

The Biology of Stress

Everyone experiences stress from time to time. But do you know what stress is doing to your body on a biological level?

When you experience stress, your body will release hormones in reaction. This includes hormones such as adrenaline.

Generally speaking, these hormones are a good thing. For example, a sudden burst of adrenaline can help you react quickly in the event of an emergency.

But you aren’t meant to experience the effects of these hormones all the time. The more stress you experience and the more often you experience it, the more your body will start to feel negative short- and even long-term effects.

Women’s Health and Stress: Why Is It So Important?

Our guide is focusing on women’s health when it comes to stress. But why is it so important to highlight how this affects women?

According to a variety of studies, women are likelier to experience stress than men are. On top of that, women are likelier to experience certain stress symptoms, including anxiety and depression (more on this later).

Unfortunately, modern science still doesn’t know exactly why stress affects women differently than it affects men. But now that we know that this is the case, it’s more important than ever to recognize signs of stress and do our best to avoid stressful situations.

With that in mind, here are some of the symptoms of stress you should be aware of.

Stress and Headaches

Obviously, there are a variety of factors that can cause headaches and migraines. But did you know stress is one of the likeliest causes?

That’s because of the physical reaction you have to stress. It’s natural to tense your muscles when you are feeling stressed out. But the longer your muscles are tense, the likelier you are to experience some nasty headaches and migraines.

This is why reducing stress is so important. If you are constantly experiencing stress, you may be constantly experiencing headaches and migraines. But reducing the stress in your life can help make these migraines and headaches a thing of the past.

Stress and Libido

One unexpected area where stress can impact your life is in the bedroom. Simply put, stress is likely to negatively impact your sex life!

At its mildest level, high levels of stress will make you distracted during sex and affect the overall quality. But stress can also make it harder to experience arousal and ultimately reduce your sex drive in a big way.

The good news is that you can begin treating your stress right away. And you may soon discover that your libido has fully returned.

Anxiety, Depression, and Stress

Earlier, we mentioned that women were more likely to experience anxiety and depression from stress than men. In fact, women are twice as likely to experience depression.

And women are more likely to experience anxiety disorders. These include disorders such as OCD, PSTD, and panic disorder.

Overall, women are simply likelier to feel the effects of stress than men are. And that makes it more important than ever for women to detect symptoms of stress and fight back against them.

Menstrual Issues and Stress

One very unexpected symptom of stress in women concerns menstruation. We’re sad to report that stress can actually make everything about PMS that much worse.

General PMS symptoms may be more severe when you are stressed. Additionally, your period may be irregular as well.

Stress and Heart Problems

Stress can have a profound effect on your heart health. Unfortunately, many women don’t know just how bad this can be!

When you are stressed out, it tends to raise both your heart rate and your blood pressure. And the longer your blood pressure is high, the likelier you are to experience something serious like a stroke.

This can even affect young women, especially if you have had previous heart-related health issues.

Pregnancy and Stress

Have you been having trouble getting pregnant? It’s possible that stress might be the cause!

Sadly, women who are very stressed out will have more difficulty getting pregnant. And this can eventually become something of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If you are having trouble getting pregnant, you are likely to stress out over that issue. And that initial stress can make getting pregnant that much more difficult because your stress levels continue to rise!

Stress and Stomach Issues

Have you had an upset stomach lately? It may not be something you ate. Instead, it may be caused by stress.

Short-term stress can lead to issues such as vomiting and diarrhea. But longer-term stress can lead to more serious issues such as irritable bowel syndrome.

But it gets worse. After stress gives you IBS, continued stress can make IBS symptoms (including bloating and gas) even worse than they already are.

Obesity and Stress

Stress can actually lead to obesity. And while stress-snacking can be a factor, the issue goes deeper than that.

When you are stressed out, your body produces more cortisol. In addition to prompting you to eat more, cortisol also causes your body to store additional fat.

This produces a kind of perfect storm where you are eating more food and retaining more fat. And women experience this problem much more keenly than men do.

What’s Next?

Stress affects women’s health in many different ways. Fortunately, researchers and companies are working every day to reduce and street the stress in women’s lives.

The right supplements and dairy ingredients can greatly improve quality of life and reduce stress. To learn more about the research and ingredients that can promote wellness in your life and reduce stress, contact us today!

Elderly Health: The Negative Effects of Stress on Older Individuals

Elderly Health: The Negative Effects of Stress on Older Individuals

What if the worst part of getting older was the stress?

Everybody deals with stress throughout each week. However, most of us aren’t aware enough of how stress uniquely affects the elderly.

The truth is that stress has major effects on elderly health. Keep reading to find out exactly what those effects are!

Why Are Older People Likelier to Be Stressed?

Our guide focuses on how stress can affect elderly health. Before we go any further, it’s important to detail why older people may be at a higher risk for stress.

One of the biggest sources of stress can be your health. As your overall health declines and you face various health scares, it can create ongoing stress about your overall health. And the rising costs of healthcare can make that stress even worse.

You may also be experiencing isolation that causes stress. Once children move out of the house, you may feel lonely when it is just you and your spouse. And if your spouse dies (or you lose someone else, like a friend, family member, or even pet), it can make you feel even more lonely and isolated.

Many older people also feel stress because they are now very dependent on other people. And you might even feel stressed due to a lack of purpose. While you are meant to relax in your golden years, plenty of older people worry about having no great challenges left to complete.

Now that you know why older people are likely to experience stress, let’s take a closer look at the impact this stress has on elderly health.

Stress and Heart Problems

What happens when you experience stress? Your body floods with hormones like adrenaline. In turn, that adrenaline leads to increases in your heart rate and blood pressure, which increases your risk of stroke.

Additionally, there is a major link between stress and heart disease. Regular and ongoing stress may put your heart health in extreme danger.

Instead of treating this issue with medication or lifestyle changes, many seniors turn to stress relief in the form of food, alcohol, and recreational drugs. But too much of any of this can cause additional problems while also hurting your blood vessels and arteries and increasing your overall risk of heart disease.

Your Immune System and Stress

When it comes to stress, many elderly people confuse the cause with the effects. For example, if you are sick and stressed, it’s easy to think that you are simply stressed over being sick.

In reality, it is likely that stress made you sick. This is because being stressed lowers your immune system and makes you more susceptible to illness.

While this can happen to people of any age, seniors already have a risk of a lowered immune system due to aging (which is just one more reason you don’t recover from sickness as quickly as you did when you were younger).

Dental Health and Stress

Many people are surprised to hear about the link between their stress and their dental health. In reality, this link is more obvious than you might expect.

As a reaction to stress, many of us automatically clench our teeth. But doing this regularly means you are constantly grinding your teeth.

Such grinding makes your teeth likelier to fracture or develop cavities. Conversely, removing the stressors from your life is one of the best possible things you can do for your dental health.

Stress, Vision, and Hearing

You might expect deteriorating vision and hearing may just be a part of getting older. But stress can make these issues worse, especially for older people.

That’s because stress causes adrenaline to flow through your body, and that adrenaline actually constricts your blood vessels. Once you are stressed out, your vision and hearing may get worse.

The good news is that this kind of negative impact on your vision and hearing is only temporary. If you can clear the stress out of your life, your eyes and ears will feel practically brand new.

Elderly Health, Stress, and Digestion

It’s something of an open secret that stress can impact your digestive health. After all, plenty of people react to stress by saying that the stressor is making them sick to their stomach.

How, though, does stress actually affect your digestion? It’s all a matter of your body’s “fight or flight” response.

This response occurs in your central nervous system and helps tell you whether to run from something dangerous or confront it head-on. And for the most part, this evolutionary response helps to keep us safe.

But that same effect reduces the blood flow needed for a healthy digestive system. And you end up getting the worst of both worlds: stress will make your digestive muscles contract while reducing the assorted secretions that promote a healthy digestive system.

Such digestive issues are annoying enough in the short-term. But if you continue to experience stress and digestive problems, you might eventually develop longer-term issues such as ulcers and IBS.

Memory Issues and Stress

You might already be struggling with memory issues as you get older. Sadly, stress can make this experience worse.

That’s because stress releases cortisol in your body. Cortisol has its purposes, but it can ultimately damage your brain cells until they require repair.

That healing process takes longer once you are older. And if you are frequently stressed, your brain cells don’t have enough time to adequately recover. Eventually, all of that stress may add up to a more serious memory disorder such as Alzheimer’s.

Your Next Move

Now you know how stress can impact elderly health. But do you know how you can fight back against that?

The right information and products can reduce stress and improve your quality of life. To discover the kinds of research and other info that may provide a healthier and longer life, just contact us today!

School Stress: The Effects of Stress on Student Health and Wellness

School Stress: The Effects of Stress on Student Health and Wellness

Contrary to popular belief, student stress surpasses that of adults. During the school year, the average student experiences a stress level of 5.8 out of 10. Since adults average on the 3.9 level, this gives us insights into school stress and how it affects student performance as well as health and wellness.

School is only one hurdle that students need to face. While writing essays and finishing other types of schoolwork are priorities for students, too many students put their wellness at the backburner in order to achieve good grades.

Unfortunately, high-stress levels can impact overall health. Here’s what we know about school stress and health.

What Is Stress?

Surprisingly, too many students don’t completely understand stress and the toll it has on our mental and physical health.

We all experience complex emotions. Stress is a reaction to specific emotions, both positive and negative.

There are different stress in school examples we can use. In a positive sense, if you’re preparing for graduation, you may feel a push to get your cap and gown. While we don’t see this push as stress in the typical sense, our adrenaline causes us to achieve the things we want and need.

But stress mainly comes out during negative times. For example, if you have a major exam coming up, you may feel stress and pressure to study in order to pass.

Why do we feel stress? Certain emotions trigger the release of cortisol from the adrenal glands, which is responsible for the “fight-or-flight” response. This response is beneficial; if you’re ever in a life-threatening situation, your fight-or-flight response will help you act immediately and can save your life.

Unfortunately, too much of a cortisol release can negatively impact your health. The adrenal gland also controls other vital bodily functions such as glucose metabolism, blood pressure regulation, and more. Some of the possible effects of high cortisol include:

  1. Decreased bone density
  2. Blood sugar imbalances
  3. High blood pressure
  4. A decrease in muscle tissue
  5. Increased abdominal fat
  6. Impaired cognitive performance
  7. Suppressed thyroid function
  8. Lower immunity

This is why properly managing stress not only improves your mental well-being but also your physical health.

There are also three types of stress. The type of stress you experience can alter the side effects you experience.

Acute Stress

This is the most common form of stress that we experience in our day-to-day lives. For example, if you’re running late and are speeding to class, this response is known as acute stress.

Fortunately, most forms of acute stress are only short-lived and don’t impact your physical and mental health. Using the same example, you’ll likely calm down when you arrive in class.

Chronic Acute Stress

Chronic acute stress (commonly called chronic stress) is a form of stress that occurs when there’s an avoidable situation. It’s common to experience this type of stress for the duration of the situation.

As a student, you likely experience chronic acute stress if you’re taking a class you don’t enjoy and/or are struggling academically.

If you’ll be experiencing this type of stress long-term, you may experience some side effects. These include sleep deprivation and even weight gain.

Episodic Acute Stress

Unlike chronic stress, episodic acute stress is when you experience small stressful episodes over a period of time. Students commonly experience this stress throughout a school semester. For example, you could feel no stress during the semester except during finals.

Episodic stress usually comes on suddenly, which is why symptoms may also be sudden. These symptoms may include tension headaches and even full-blown migraines.

Different Disorders Resulting From Anxiety

Experiencing stress is a normal part of life, especially when you’re in school. However, you should identify the symptoms of a disorder to ensure you have a healthy physical and mental state.

Sleep Disorders

Insomnia is a common symptom of stress. However, you could mistake this symptom for a sleep disorder. In addition, an existing sleep disorder can heighten anxiety problems.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder forms as a result of constant chronic stress. You may also experience physical reactions, such as shaking and muscle tension.

Substance Abuse

Some people choose to handle their stress by indulging in substance abuse, such as alcoholism and drug abuse. College students are especially prime targets for substance abuse; not only are they surrounded by substances on college campuses but the stress they endure can also cause reckless habits.

The Effects of Stress

How exactly do stress and anxiety disorders affect our physical and mental health? Here’s what to look for.


Since stress is a reaction to emotions, it’s smart to focus on emotional well-being and how that alters during stressful episodes. Most experience helplessness, hostility toward professors and peers, and even loneliness.

These emotional reactions interfere with how you communicate with professors and engage with other students.


As stated previously, the adrenal glands regulate many bodily processes. This is why stress is physical as well as emotional.

Some physical symptoms include increased heart rate, sweating, muscle tension, increased blood pressure, stomach aches, headaches, and fatigue.


Students need powerful cognition to retain knowledge and advance in education. Unfortunately, stress also impacts many cognitive functions. This is why anxiety and cognition are some of the most underrated negative effects of stress on students.

Under severe stress, students can expect to lose concentration, suffer memory loss, and have an overall negative outlook on their education.


We went over some of the behaviors that result from stress and anxiety disorders, such as alcohol and drug abuse. But stress can have even more behavioral effects, which is why stress relief is important.

For example, stress can interfere with your eating habits (both reduced and binged eating). If you’re in a committed relationship, too much stress can distance you from your loved one and can even impact intimacy.

School Stress: Why Your Diet Matters

Now that we know stress has multiple physical effects, students suffering from school stress need to pay close attention to their diet. While eating healthy is one of the most effective stress management techniques, the ingredients you eat also matters.

We optimize dairy ingredients to boost immunity and even improve mental health. If you’re curious about our company, you can learn more about our expertise. Feel free to contact us and discover which food brands use our ingredients.

Wellness and Health Guide: How Stress Reduces Immunity

Wellness and Health Guide: How Stress Reduces Immunity

It’s relatively easy to identify some of the physical signs of stress.

When we’re under pressure, we toss and turn at night. Our heart races and our head aches. We may find it difficult to focus or stay on task.

However, while these symptoms might be most apparent, there are other, internal issues also at work. For instance, did you know that stress can negatively impact your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness?

Your overall wellness and health hinge on many factors, and this is one of them. 

Today, we’re exploring this link more closely. We’ll also share how you can make simple changes to lower your stress levels and boost your immune response. 

Understanding Your Immune System

Before we dive into the relationship between stress and immunity, let’s start with a brief overview of how your immune system works.

In short, this is an intricate network, comprised of billions of individual cells. The main types of cells are white blood cells.

These cells constantly travel into and out of your internal systems. As they move among your tissues and organs, they help safeguard and defend your body against foreign pathogens (e.g. bacteria and viruses) that could weaken or harm it.

In general, there are two types of white blood cells in your immune system. They include:

  • Lymphocytes
  • Phagocytes

Phagocytes generate a universal response to any pathogen. On the other hand, lymphocytes generate different types of immune responses, each tailored to that specific invader. For this reason, phagocytes are considered part of your innate immunity, while lymphocytes are a central part of your adaptive, or specialized, immunity. 

Your adaptive immune response kicks in when your innate immunity isn’t capable of destroying germs that invade your body. It takes longer to activate, but once it “learns” the pathogen, it remembers it and knows how to respond more quickly next time. 

Pathogens and Antigens

What exactly is a pathogen and how is it related to your stress levels?

Put simply, a pathogen is any type of microorganism that can cause disease. Bacteria and viruses are two types of pathogens. 

Antigens are proteins that are attached to the surface of each pathogen. The primary role of these molecules is to trigger a response from your immune system. When this happens, your immune system goes to work creating antibodies that fight the infection. 

This is a natural response that your body is trained to perform. However, it has a harder time reacting when you’re under stress. Let’s take a look at why this is the case.

The Role of Cortisol

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone. It’s produced in your adrenal cortex, which is the outer region of an adrenal gland. These glands are located on the top of each of your kidneys and release many hormones you can’t live without. 

When you’re under a tight deadline, overwhelmed at work, or facing pressure at home, your levels of cortisol increase. 

When this happens, it crowds out and lowers the number of lymphocytes present in your immune system. This weakens the system’s ability to fight off any antigens that attack it. This leaves you more susceptible to illnesses and infections. 

The Risks of Stress Responses

Rising stress levels do more than increase your cortisol levels. They also catalyze a stress response in your other internal systems. These can create negative physical reactions on top of the mental strain you’re already feeling.

Below is one example of a stress response in another system within your body. 

Gastrointestinal System

You may already know that a stressful situation gives you knots and butterflies in your belly. This is because it alters your gut bacteria and affects your brain-gut connection, which can lead to bloating and stomach discomfort. 

However, did you realize it can actually inhibit your digestion and affect the number of nutrients your intestines are able to absorb? Moreover, the adrenaline released during a stress response can also lead to stomach ulcers. 

The Indirect Effects of Stress on Your Immunity

It’s also important to mention that stress can also indirectly affect your immune system. 

When you’re feeling pulled to your limits, you may be more prone to engage in unhealthy coping behaviors. For instance, you might use alcohol or tobacco to soothe the burden you’re experiencing. 

These actions do little to solve the problem, and instead can lead to more issues. Drinking and smoking upsets the equilibrium, or balance, of your immune system, making it more difficult to ward off disease. It also puts you at a heightened risk for developing immune and autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Lowering Stress Improves Your Wellness and Health

It’s normal to feel a little stressed every now and then. 

However, living in a constant state of overwhelm can wreak havoc on your physical, mental, and emotional health. 

Heightened cortisol levels lower your immune system’s ability to protect your body from harmful antigens. They also impact your gastrointestinal systems and other systems within your body. 

Want to supercharge your wellness and health? Find stress-busting activities like yoga and walking to keep your stress hormones in check. You can also find a creative outlet, or talk to friends and family members. 

Along the way, we’ll help you and your customers feel your best, from the inside out. The ingredients we produce are filled with the nutrients they need, without the harmful fillers they don’t. To learn more about our mission and work with our team, feel free to contact us today.